• Exercise 1: Using the centroid classifier
• Exercise 2: Using the batch-update centroid classifier
(Intro TBD)
The following list briefly describes the most important LATINO Model data structures, predictive models, and clustering algorithms:
LabeledDataset<LblT, ExT>
: A labeled dataset data structure. Contains a collection of LabeledExample<LblT, ExT>
. An input into the LATINO supervised learners (predictive models).•
: An unlabeled dataset data structure. An input into the LATINO clustering algorithms.•
: An implementation of the cosine similarity measure.•
: An implementation of the dot product similarity measure.•
: An implementation of the centroid classifier.•
: Another variant of the centroid classifier. •
KnnClassifier<LblT, ExT>
: An implementation of the k-nearest neighbours (k-NN) classifier.•
: A k-NN implementation optimized for speed. •
: An implementation of the maximum entropy classifier.•
: A maximum entropy classifier implementation optimized for speed. •
: An implementation of the Naive Bayes classifier.•
MajorityClassifier<LblT, ExT>
: An implementation of the majority classifier.•
: An implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm.•
: A k-means clustering implementation optimized for speed. •
: The output of the LATINO predictive models.•
: The output of the LATINO clustering algorithms.In the following, we give several examples of using the LATINO Model data structures and algorithms.
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Exercise 1: Using the centroid classifier
The nearest centroid or nearest prototype classifier is a multi-class classifier that classifies an example into to the class with the nearest centroid. In this exercise, we load a training set and a test set, train a centroid classifier, and compute its accuracy on the test set.
takes a LabeledDataset
of SparseVector<double>
as input and can use any similarity measure (ISimilarity
) for classification.using System; using Latino; using Latino.Model; namespace Latino.Model.Tutorials { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // load datasets LabeledDataset<int, SparseVector<double>> trainDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset(@"C:\Latino\Tutorials\Datasets\Example1\train.dat"); LabeledDataset<int, SparseVector<double>> testDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset(@"C:\Latino\Tutorials\Datasets\Example1\test.dat"); // train a centroid classifier CentroidClassifier<int> classifier = new CentroidClassifier<int>(); classifier.Similarity = CosineSimilarity.Instance; classifier.NormalizeCentroids = false; classifier.Train(trainDataset); // test the classifier int correct = 0; int all = 0; foreach (LabeledExample<int, SparseVector<double>> labeledExample in testDataset) { if (labeledExample.Example.Count != 0) { Prediction<int> prediction = classifier.Predict(labeledExample.Example); if (prediction.BestClassLabel == labeledExample.Label) { correct++; } all++; } } // output the result Console.WriteLine("Correctly classified: {0} of {1} ({2:0.00}%)", correct, all, (double)correct / (double)all * 100.0); } } }The Python equivalent (requires Python for .NET):
import clr from Latino import * from Latino.Model import * # load datasets trainDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset("C:\\Latino\\Tutorials\\Datasets\\Example1\\train.dat") testDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset("C:\\Latino\\Tutorials\\Datasets\\Example1\\test.dat") # train a centroid classifier classifier = CentroidClassifier[int]() classifier.Similarity = CosineSimilarity.Instance classifier.NormalizeCentroids = False classifier.Train(trainDataset) # test the classifier correct = 0 all = 0 for labeledExample in testDataset: if labeledExample.Example.Count != 0: prediction = classifier.Predict(labeledExample.Example) if prediction.BestClassLabel == labeledExample.Label: correct += 1 all += 1 # output the result print "Correctly classified: {0} of {1} ({2:0.2f}%)".format(correct, all, float(correct) / float(all) * 100.0)This code outputs the following to the console:
Correctly classified: 574 of 598 (95.99%)Back to top
Exercise 2: Using the batch-update centroid classifier
The batch-update centroid classifier [Tan, 2007] is a variant of the centroid classifier that iteratively repositions the centroids in order to reduce the classification error on the training set. In this exercise, we load a training set and a test set, train a batch-update centroid classifier, and compute its accuracy on the test set.
takes a LabeledDataset
of SparseVector<double>
as input and uses the dot product similarity measure for both training and classification. The lines 16–20 in the code snippet from the previous exercise need to be replaced with the following:// normalize the feature vectors foreach (LabeledExample<int, SparseVector<double>> labeledExample in trainDataset) { Utils.TryNrmVecL2(labeledExample.Example); } foreach (LabeledExample<int, SparseVector<double>> labeledExample in testDataset) { Utils.TryNrmVecL2(labeledExample.Example); } // train a centroid classifier BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier<int> classifier = new BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier<int>(); classifier.Logger = Logger.GetInstanceLogger("Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier"); classifier.Iterations = 20; classifier.PositiveValuesOnly = true; classifier.Damping = 0.8; classifier.Train(trainDataset);The modified code outputs the following to the console:
2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Iteration 1 / 20 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Computing dot products ... Centroid 2 / 2 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Classifying training examples ... Example 2000 / 2000 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Training set error rate: 4.25% Centroid 2 / 2 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Iteration 2 / 20 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Computing dot products ... Centroid 2 / 2 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Classifying training examples ... Example 2000 / 2000 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Training set error rate: 2.15% Centroid 2 / 2 ... ... 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Iteration 20 / 20 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Computing dot products ... Centroid 2 / 2 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Classifying training examples ... Example 2000 / 2000 ... 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train INFO: Training set error rate: 0.35% Centroid 2 / 2 ... Correctly classified: 580 of 598 (96.99%)Note that
normalizes the centroids in the Euclidean sense and uses the dot product similarity measure to compare feature vectors. The feature vectors should therefore be normalized in the Euclidean sense before they are used for training or classification. This is effectively equal to using the cosine similarity measure but considerably faster. Note also that a CentroidClassifier
set to use the cosine similarity measure produces exactly the same result as a BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier
with Iterations
set to 0 (provided that the vectors are normalized), but the latter runs faster in the classification phase.Back to top
Exercise 3: Using the k-nearest neighbours classifier
The k-nearest neighbours (k-NN) classifier is a multi-class classifier that classifies objects based on the closest training examples in the feature space. In this exercise, we load a training set and a test set, train a k-NN classifier, and compute its accuracy on the test set.
takes any type of examples as input and can use any similarity measure (ISimilarity
) for classification. The lines 16–20 in the code snippet from Exercise 1 need to be replaced with the following:// train a k-NN classifier KnnClassifier<int, SparseVector<double>> classifier = new KnnClassifier<int, SparseVector<double>>(CosineSimilarity.Instance); classifier.K = 30; classifier.SoftVoting = true; classifier.Train(trainDataset);The modified code outputs the following to the console:
Correctly classified: 575 of 598 (96.15%)
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