Friday, May 25, 2012


Exercise 1: Using the centroid classifier
Exercise 2: Using the batch-update centroid classifier


(Intro TBD)

The following list briefly describes the most important LATINO Model data structures, predictive models, and clustering algorithms:

LabeledDataset<LblT, ExT>: A labeled dataset data structure. Contains a collection of LabeledExample<LblT, ExT>. An input into the LATINO supervised learners (predictive models).
UnlabeledDataset<ExT>: An unlabeled dataset data structure. An input into the LATINO clustering algorithms.
CosineSimilarity: An implementation of the cosine similarity measure.
DotProductSimilarity: An implementation of the dot product similarity measure.
CentroidClassifier<LblT>: An implementation of the centroid classifier.
BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier<LblT>: Another variant of the centroid classifier.
KnnClassifier<LblT, ExT>: An implementation of the k-nearest neighbours (k-NN) classifier.
KnnClassifierFast<LblT>: A k-NN implementation optimized for speed.
MaximumEntropyClassifier: An implementation of the maximum entropy classifier.
MaximumEntropyClassifierFast<LblT>: A maximum entropy classifier implementation optimized for speed.
NaiveBayesClassifier<LblT>: An implementation of the Naive Bayes classifier.
MajorityClassifier<LblT, ExT>: An implementation of the majority classifier.
KMeansClustering: An implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm.
KMeansClusteringFast: A k-means clustering implementation optimized for speed.
Prediction<LblT>: The output of the LATINO predictive models.
ClusteringResult: The output of the LATINO clustering algorithms.

In the following, we give several examples of using the LATINO Model data structures and algorithms.

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Exercise 1: Using the centroid classifier

The nearest centroid or nearest prototype classifier is a multi-class classifier that classifies an example into to the class with the nearest centroid. In this exercise, we load a training set and a test set, train a centroid classifier, and compute its accuracy on the test set. CentroidClassifier takes a LabeledDataset of SparseVector<double> as input and can use any similarity measure (ISimilarity) for classification.
using System;
using Latino;
using Latino.Model;

namespace Latino.Model.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // load datasets
            LabeledDataset<int, SparseVector<double>> trainDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset(@"C:\Latino\Tutorials\Datasets\Example1\train.dat");
            LabeledDataset<int, SparseVector<double>> testDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset(@"C:\Latino\Tutorials\Datasets\Example1\test.dat");
            // train a centroid classifier            
            CentroidClassifier<int> classifier = new CentroidClassifier<int>();
            classifier.Similarity = CosineSimilarity.Instance;
            classifier.NormalizeCentroids = false;
            // test the classifier
            int correct = 0;
            int all = 0;
            foreach (LabeledExample<int, SparseVector<double>> labeledExample in testDataset)
                if (labeledExample.Example.Count != 0)
                    Prediction<int> prediction = classifier.Predict(labeledExample.Example);
                    if (prediction.BestClassLabel == labeledExample.Label) { correct++; }
            // output the result
            Console.WriteLine("Correctly classified: {0} of {1} ({2:0.00}%)", correct, all, (double)correct / (double)all * 100.0); 
The Python equivalent (requires Python for .NET):
import clr
from Latino import * 
from Latino.Model import *

# load datasets
trainDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset("C:\\Latino\\Tutorials\\Datasets\\Example1\\train.dat")
testDataset = ModelUtils.LoadDataset("C:\\Latino\\Tutorials\\Datasets\\Example1\\test.dat")

# train a centroid classifier
classifier = CentroidClassifier[int]()
classifier.Similarity = CosineSimilarity.Instance
classifier.NormalizeCentroids = False

# test the classifier
correct = 0
all = 0
for labeledExample in testDataset:
 if labeledExample.Example.Count != 0:
  prediction = classifier.Predict(labeledExample.Example)
  if prediction.BestClassLabel == labeledExample.Label: correct += 1
  all += 1

# output the result
print "Correctly classified: {0} of {1} ({2:0.2f}%)".format(correct, all, float(correct) / float(all) * 100.0)
This code outputs the following to the console:
 Correctly classified: 574 of 598 (95.99%)
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Exercise 2: Using the batch-update centroid classifier

The batch-update centroid classifier [Tan, 2007] is a variant of the centroid classifier that iteratively repositions the centroids in order to reduce the classification error on the training set. In this exercise, we load a training set and a test set, train a batch-update centroid classifier, and compute its accuracy on the test set. BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier takes a LabeledDataset of SparseVector<double> as input and uses the dot product similarity measure for both training and classification. The lines 16–20 in the code snippet from the previous exercise need to be replaced with the following:
// normalize the feature vectors
foreach (LabeledExample<int, SparseVector<double>> labeledExample in trainDataset) { Utils.TryNrmVecL2(labeledExample.Example); }
foreach (LabeledExample<int, SparseVector<double>> labeledExample in testDataset) { Utils.TryNrmVecL2(labeledExample.Example); } 
// train a centroid classifier            
BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier<int> classifier = new BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier<int>();
classifier.Logger = Logger.GetInstanceLogger("Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier");
classifier.Iterations = 20;
classifier.PositiveValuesOnly = true;
classifier.Damping = 0.8;
The modified code outputs the following to the console:
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Iteration 1 / 20 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Computing dot products ...
 Centroid 2 / 2 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Classifying training examples ...
 Example 2000 / 2000 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Training set error rate: 4.25%
 Centroid 2 / 2 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Iteration 2 / 20 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Computing dot products ...
 Centroid 2 / 2 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Classifying training examples ...
 Example 2000 / 2000 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:11 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Training set error rate: 2.15%
 Centroid 2 / 2 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Iteration 20 / 20 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Computing dot products ...
 Centroid 2 / 2 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Classifying training examples ...
 Example 2000 / 2000 ...
 2012-05-29 10:24:12 Latino.Model.BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier.1 Train
 INFO: Training set error rate: 0.35%
 Centroid 2 / 2 ...
 Correctly classified: 580 of 598 (96.99%)
Note that BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier normalizes the centroids in the Euclidean sense and uses the dot product similarity measure to compare feature vectors. The feature vectors should therefore be normalized in the Euclidean sense before they are used for training or classification. This is effectively equal to using the cosine similarity measure but considerably faster. Note also that a CentroidClassifier set to use the cosine similarity measure produces exactly the same result as a BatchUpdateCentroidClassifier with Iterations set to 0 (provided that the vectors are normalized), but the latter runs faster in the classification phase.

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Exercise 3: Using the k-nearest neighbours classifier

The k-nearest neighbours (k-NN) classifier is a multi-class classifier that classifies objects based on the closest training examples in the feature space. In this exercise, we load a training set and a test set, train a k-NN classifier, and compute its accuracy on the test set. KnnClassifier takes any type of examples as input and can use any similarity measure (ISimilarity) for classification. The lines 16–20 in the code snippet from Exercise 1 need to be replaced with the following:
// train a k-NN classifier            
KnnClassifier<int, SparseVector<double>> classifier = new KnnClassifier<int, SparseVector<double>>(CosineSimilarity.Instance);
classifier.K = 30;
classifier.SoftVoting = true;
The modified code outputs the following to the console:
 Correctly classified: 575 of 598 (96.15%)

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Sunday, October 16, 2011


Example 1: Sorting an array of key-value pairs and creating its read-only wrapper
Example 2: Cloning an array of referenced integers shallowly and deeply
Example 3: Creating two sets of integers and comparing them by reference and by content
Example 4: Serializing and deserializing LATINO objects
Example 5: Performing basic operations on sets
Example 6: Performing basic operations on sparse vectors
Example 7: Performing basic operations on sparse matrices
Example 8: Accessing sparse vector elements directly
Example 9: Using the logging tool
Download LATINO Core


LATINO Core implements several basic data structures and utilities that are being used throughout the library. The reason for providing our own basic data structures is mostly historical. The Framework did not provide the desired functionality back in 2004 when the development of LATINO has started. At that time, the Framework was still missing important data structures and support for basic design patterns. For example, HashSet<T> (a set data structure based on the hash table) came out with .NET Framework 3.5 which was released in November 2007. Also, generics and read-only wrappers for collections were introduced only in 2005 while .NET has been around since 2002. Note that even today, the core .NET data structures are missing several nice properties of the LATINO Core data structures such as, for example, read-only wrappers, explicit distinction between shallow and deep cloning, and between content-wise and reference comparison. But most importantly, LATINO Core implements sparse vectors and sparse matrices which are the fundamental data structures for text and data mining applications.

The following list briefly describes the most important LATINO Core data structures and interfaces:

Set<T> (class): A set data structure based on the hash table.
MultiSet<T> (class): A set data structure that can contain duplicate elements.
Ref<T> (class): A wrapper that enables referencing value types such as int and double.
Pair<FirstT,SecondT> (struct): A pair data structure.
KeyDat<KeyT,DatT> (struct): A dictionary item data structure. A key-value pair comparable by the key.
IdxDat<T> (struct): An indexed item data structure. An index-value pair comparable by the index.
BinaryVector (class): A sparse binary vector data structure. Contains indices of non-zero elements.
ArrayList<T> (class): A dynamic array data structure. Extends .NET's List<T> with LATINO Core interfaces.
SparseVector<T> (class): A sparse vector data structure. Contains a dense array of index-value pairs.
SparseMatrix<T> (class): A sparse matrix data structure. Contains a dense vector of sparse vectors representing rows in the sparse matrix.
BinarySerializer (class): A utility class providing functionality for binary serialization and deserialization of objects.
Logger (class): A utility class providing logging functionality similar to that of log4net (but more lightweight).
Utils (static class): A utility class providing various useful general-purpose functions.
IReadOnlyAdapter<T> (interface): Provides a read-only wrapper of a LATINO object.
IDeeplyCloneable<T> (interface): Provides a deep clone of a LATINO object.
IContentEquatable<T> (interface): Enables content-wise comparison of two LATINO objects.
ISerializable (interface): Enables straightforward binary serialization and deserialization of LATINO objects.

In the following, we give several examples of using the LATINO Core data structures and interfaces.

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Example 1: Sorting an array of key-value pairs and creating its read-only wrapper

In this example, we create an ArrayList of KeyDat<double,int>, populate it, sort it descendingly, output it to the console, and create its read-only wrapper. A read-only wrapper prevents you from modifying the underlying data structure. However, it acts as a "protector" rather than a "restrictor". You can always access the underlying data structure through the wrapper's Inner property.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create an ArrayList of KeyDat<double, int>
            ArrayList<KeyDat<double, int>> list = new ArrayList<KeyDat<double, int>>();
            // populate it 
            list.AddRange(new KeyDat<double, int>[] { 
                new KeyDat<double, int>(0.1, 1),
                new KeyDat<double, int>(0.3, 3),
                new KeyDat<double, int>(0.2, 2)});
            // sort it descendingly
            list.Sort(DescSort<KeyDat<double, int>>.Instance);
            // output it to the console
            Console.WriteLine(list); // says: ( ( 0.3 3 ) ( 0.2 2 ) ( 0.1 1 ) )
            // create a read-only wrapper
            ArrayList<KeyDat<double, int>>.ReadOnly listReadOnly
                = new ArrayList<KeyDat<double, int>>.ReadOnly(list);
            //listReadOnly.Add(new KeyDat<double, int>(0.4, 4)); // this is not possible
            // output the read-only list to the console
            Console.WriteLine(listReadOnly); // says: ( ( 0.3 3 ) ( 0.2 2 ) ( 0.1 1 ) )
            // create a writable copy
            ArrayList<KeyDat<double, int>> listCopy = listReadOnly.GetWritableCopy();
            // modify the copy
            listCopy.Add(new KeyDat<double, int>(0.4, 4));
            // output the original list to the console to show that it was not changed
            Console.WriteLine(list); // says: ( ( 0.3 3 ) ( 0.2 2 ) ( 0.1 1 ) )
            // use Inner to modify the enwrapped data structure
            listReadOnly.Inner.Add(new KeyDat<double, int>(0.4, 4)); 
            // output the original list to the console to show that it was changed
            Console.WriteLine(list); // says: ( ( 0.3 3 ) ( 0.2 2 ) ( 0.1 1 ) ( 0.4 4 ) )
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Example 2: Cloning an array of referenced integers shallowly and deeply

In this example, we create an ArrayList of Ref<int>, populate it, clone it shallowly and deeply, and output the clones to the console.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create and populate an ArrayList of Ref<int>
            ArrayList<Ref<int>> array = new ArrayList<Ref<int>>(new Ref<int>[] { 
                new Ref<int>(1), 
                new Ref<int>(2), 
                new Ref<int>(3)});
            // create a shallow clone
            ArrayList<Ref<int>> arrayClone = array.Clone();
            // change the original array
            array[0].Val = 4;
            // output the two arrays to the console
            Console.WriteLine(array); // says: ( 4 2 3 )
            Console.WriteLine(arrayClone); // says: ( 4 2 3 )
            // restore the original array
            array[0].Val = 1;
            // create a deep clone
            ArrayList<Ref<int>> deepClone = array.DeepClone();
            // change the original array
            array[0].Val = 4;
            // output the two arrays to the console
            Console.WriteLine(array); // says: ( 4 2 3 )
            Console.WriteLine(deepClone); // says: ( 1 2 3 )
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Example 3: Creating two sets of integers and comparing them by reference and by content

In this example, we create two instances of Set<int>, populate them, output them to the console, and compare them by reference and by content.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create two instances of Set<int> and populate them
            Set<int> set = new Set<int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            Set<int> otherSet = new Set<int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            // output them to the console
            Console.WriteLine(set); // says: { 1 2 3 }
            Console.WriteLine(otherSet); // says: { 1 2 3 }
            // compare them by reference
            Console.WriteLine(set == otherSet); // says: False
            // compare them by content
            Console.WriteLine(set.ContentEquals(otherSet)); // says: True
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Example 4: Serializing and deserializing LATINO objects

In this example, we create an ArrayList<BinaryVector>, populate it, write it to a file, read it from the file, output it to the console, and compare it to the original array.
using System;
using System.IO;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create an ArrayList<BinaryVector>
            ArrayList<BinaryVector> array = new ArrayList<BinaryVector>();
            // populate it
            array.AddRange(new BinaryVector[] { 
                new BinaryVector(new int[] { 1, 3, 5 }),
                new BinaryVector(new int[] { 2, 4, 6 })});
            // output it to the console
            Console.WriteLine(array); // says: ( ( 1 3 5 ) ( 2 4 6 ) )
            // serialize it to a file
            BinarySerializer fileWriter = new BinarySerializer("array.bin", FileMode.Create);
            // read it from the file
            BinarySerializer fileReader = new BinarySerializer("array.bin", FileMode.Open);
            ArrayList<BinaryVector> otherArray = new ArrayList<BinaryVector>(fileReader);
            // output it to the console
            Console.WriteLine(otherArray); // says: ( ( 1 3 5 ) ( 2 4 6 ) )
            // compare it to the original array
            Console.WriteLine(array == otherArray); // says: False
            Console.WriteLine(array.ContentEquals(otherArray)); // says: True
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Example 5: Performing basic operations on sets

In this example, we create two instances of Set<int> and compute their union, intersection, difference, and Jaccard similarity.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a Set<int> 
            Set<int> set = new Set<int>(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 });
            // create another Set<int> 
            Set<int> otherSet = new Set<int>(new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });
            // compute the union and output it to the console
            Console.WriteLine(Set<int>.Union(set, otherSet)); // says: { 1 2 3 4 }
            // compute the intersection and output it to the console
            Console.WriteLine(Set<int>.Intersection(set, otherSet)); // says: { 2 3 }
            // compute the difference and output it to the console
            Console.WriteLine(Set<int>.Difference(set, otherSet)); // says: { 1 }
            // compute the Jaccard similarity
            Console.WriteLine(Set<int>.JaccardSimilarity(set, otherSet)); // says: 0.5
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Example 6: Performing basic operations on sparse vectors

In this example, we create a SparseVector<double>, populate it, traverse it, manipulate it, get the number of non-empty elements and the number of dimensions, and output it to the console.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a SparseVector<double>
            SparseVector<double> vec = new SparseVector<double>(new IdxDat<double>[] {             
                new IdxDat<double>(0, 0.0),
                new IdxDat<double>(2, 0.2),
                new IdxDat<double>(4, 0.4),
                new IdxDat<double>(6, 0.6)});
            // output it to the console 
            Console.WriteLine(vec.ToString()); // says: ( ( 0 0 ) ( 2 0.2 ) ( 4 0.4 ) ( 6 0.6 ) )
            // traverse it (says: (0,0) (2,0.2) (4,0.4) (6,0.6))
            foreach (IdxDat<double> item in vec) 
                Console.Write("({0},{1}) ", item.Idx, item.Dat); 
            // add an element
            vec[1] = 0.1;
            // change a value
            vec[0] = 42;
            // remove an element
            // output the vector to the console 
            Console.WriteLine(vec.ToString()); // says: ( ( 0 42 ) ( 1 0.1 ) ( 2 0.2 ) ( 6 0.6 ) )
            // get the number of non-empty elements
            Console.WriteLine(vec.Count); // says: 4
            // get the number of dimensions
            Console.WriteLine(vec.LastNonEmptyIndex + 1); // says: 7
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Example 7: Performing basic operations on sparse matrices

In this example, we create a SparseMatrix<double>, populate it, traverse it, change a value, remove an element, get the number of dimensions, transpose it, and output it to the console.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a SparseMatrix<double>
            SparseMatrix<double> mat = new SparseMatrix<double>();
            mat[0] = new SparseVector<double>(new IdxDat<double>[] { 
                new IdxDat<double>(0, 1.1),
                new IdxDat<double>(1, 1.2)});
            mat[1] = new SparseVector<double>(new IdxDat<double>[] { 
                new IdxDat<double>(1, 2.2)});
            mat[2] = new SparseVector<double>(new IdxDat<double>[] { 
                new IdxDat<double>(1, 3.2),
                new IdxDat<double>(2, 3.3)});
            // output it to the console 
            // traverse the matrix
            foreach (IdxDat<SparseVector<double>> row in mat)
                foreach (IdxDat<double> item in row.Dat)
                    Console.Write("({0},{1},{2}) ", row.Idx, item.Idx, item.Dat);
            // change a value
            mat[1, 1] = -2.2;
            // remove an element
            mat.RemoveAt(1, 1);
            // get the number of dimensions
            Console.WriteLine("rows: {0}, cols: {1}", mat.GetLastNonEmptyRowIdx() + 1, mat.GetLastNonEmptyColIdx() + 1);
            // transpose the matrix
            SparseMatrix<double> matTr = mat.GetTransposedCopy();
The above example outputs the following to the console:
1.1     1.2     -
-       2.2     -
-       3.2     3.3

(0,0,1.1) (0,1,1.2)
(2,1,3.2) (2,2,3.3)

1.1     1.2     -
-       -2.2    -
-       3.2     3.3

1.1     1.2     -
-       -       -
-       3.2     3.3

rows: 3, cols: 3

1.1     -       -
1.2     -       3.2
-       -       3.3
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Example 8: Accessing sparse vector elements directly

In this example, we use the direct-access functions to traverse and manipulate a sparse vector. Using InnerIdx, InnerDat, SetDirect, and RemoveDirect is faster than using the indexer and RemoveAt (O(1) vs. O(logn)). While it is safe to use SetDirect and RemoveDirect, you need to be very careful with InnerIdx and InnerDat as they allow you to put the vector into an invalid state.
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a SparseVector<double>
            SparseVector<double> vec = new SparseVector<double>(new IdxDat<double>[] {             
                new IdxDat<double>(0, 0.0),
                new IdxDat<double>(2, 0.2),
                new IdxDat<double>(4, 0.4),
                new IdxDat<double>(6, 0.6)});
            // output it to the console 
            Console.WriteLine(vec.ToString()); // says: ( ( 0 0 ) ( 2 0.2 ) ( 4 0.4 ) ( 6 0.6 ) )
            // traverse it (says: (0,0) (2,0.2) (4,0.4) (6,0.6))
            for (int i = 0; i < vec.Count; i++)
                Console.Write("({0},{1}) ", vec.GetIdxDirect(i), vec.GetDatDirect(i));
            // add an element
            vec.InnerIdx.Insert(1, 1); // !!! be careful !!!
            vec.InnerDat.Insert(1, 0.1); // !!! be careful !!!
            // output the vector to the console 
            Console.WriteLine(vec.ToString()); // says: ( ( 0 0 ) ( 1 0.1 ) ( 2 0.2 ) ( 4 0.4 ) ( 6 0.6 ) )
            // change a value
            vec.SetDirect(0, 42);
            // output the vector to the console 
            Console.WriteLine(vec.ToString()); // says: ( ( 0 42 ) ( 1 0.1 ) ( 2 0.2 ) ( 4 0.4 ) ( 6 0.6 ) )
            // remove an element
            // output the vector to the console 
            Console.WriteLine(vec.ToString()); // says: ( ( 0 42 ) ( 1 0.1 ) ( 4 0.4 ) ( 6 0.6 ) )
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Example 9: Using the logging tool

LATINO implements a lightweight log4net-like logging tool. It offers a named logger hierarchy with a limited functionality for defining appenders (outputs) and layouts (output formats).
using System;
using Latino;

namespace Latino.Tutorials
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // create two loggers
            Logger logger1 = Logger.GetLogger("Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger1");
            Logger logger2 = Logger.GetLogger("Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger2");
            // output a message and a warning
            logger1.Info("Main", "This message is brought to you by Logger 1.");
            logger2.Warn("Main", "This warning is brought to you by Logger 2.");
            // change the output format of Logger 2
            logger2.CustomOutput = new Logger.CustomOutputDelegate(delegate(string loggerName, Logger.Level level, string funcName, Exception exception, string message, object[] msgArgs) {
                Console.WriteLine("{0} says: \"{1}\"", loggerName, string.Format(message, msgArgs));
            logger2.LocalOutputType = Logger.OutputType.Custom;
            // output the message and warning again
            logger1.Info("Main", "This message is brought to you by Logger 1.");
            logger2.Warn("Main", "This warning is brought to you by Logger 2.");
            // set both loggers to output only warnings, errors, and fatal errors
            Logger.GetRootLogger().LocalLevel = Logger.Level.Warn;
            logger1.Trace("Main", "This trace message is brought to you by Logger 1."); // this will not be displayed
            logger1.Debug("Main", "This debug message is brought to you by Logger 1."); // this will not be displayed
            logger2.Info("Main", "This message is brought to you by Logger 2."); // this will not be displayed
            logger2.Warn("Main", "This warning is brought to you by Logger 2.");
The above example outputs the following to the console:
2012-04-08 20:56:29 Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger1 Main
INFO: This message is brought to you by Logger 1.
2012-04-08 20:56:29 Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger2 Main
WARN: This warning is brought to you by Logger 2.
2012-04-08 20:56:29 Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger1 Main
INFO: This message is brought to you by Logger 1.
Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger2 says: "This warning is brought to you by Logger 2."
Latino.Tutorials.Example9.Logger2 says: "This warning is brought to you by Logger 2."
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Download LATINO Core

Latino Core May-2012 (latest)

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Saturday, October 15, 2011


LATINO stands for Link Analysis and Text Mining Toolbox. It is a software library that provides a range of data mining and machine learning algorithms mainly from the areas of text mining and data visualization. Note that LATINO is not really about link analysis but contains this term in its name because of the initial plan to implement several link analysis techniques as well.